Deviant Diners
Wed - Fri, 10 - 4pm, Sat - Sun, 11 - 4pm
Seesaw basement, 86 Princess St, Manchester M1 6NG
‘Deviant Diners’ is a newly commissioned video work from Emily Bold that sets the table for bad manners, caters to the neuroqueer gaze, and serves an insight into autistic experiences of food. This work addresses the stigma autistic people face at the dinner table. This stigma, combined with sensory processing issues, can lead autistic people into withdrawing from social situations involving food and even develop avoidant, restrictive or disordered relationships with food.
The artist has created this work to Showcase the neuroqueer gaze as a way to reclaim and be proud of authentic and unique food experiments. Just as the ‘queer’ gaze interrogates gender, sexuality, and relationships, the ‘neuroqueer’ gaze interrogates socialised norms, behaviours, and sensory experiences.
This work will be captioned and an audio-described version will be made available.
(A private view will be held on 5th June, 2 - 4pm)
Emily Bold