Bankley Studios & Gallery
Bankley House, Bankley St, Manchester M19 3PP
30 Years of Artist Led + Open Studios
A 30 year anniversary celebration looking back at the history of Bankley, and highlighting the importance that artist-led activity, studios and galleries continue to have for our artists and communities. The exhibition will feature artists past and present, archival material and a new film exploring the legacy of Bankley.
BANKLEY is a co-operatively run artists' studio group, home to over 30 artists across three floors, with an art gallery on the first floor.
The gallery is regularly open to the public and welcomes you to a wide range of free exhibitions and events.
Public opening times vary so check our social media platforms and website, or contact gallery@bankley.org.uk
For more information on studios please contact studios@bankley.org.uk
No wheelchair access in building or in train station to the venue
Bankley Studios & Gallery